Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am pretty cheap when it comes to spending money on things, but I don't mind when we spend money on memories and fun family days. I would rather spend money to take my kids to a movie or the zoo for the day then use that to buy me any clothes or all the fancy purses women just love. Not that I don't love them I just don't see the point. Things are just that, things. You can't take them with you, and they can't make you happy at the end of the day. The highlights of my day come from the smiles on my kids faces, the laughter we all have together, and just the thought that this could be something my kids will remember and tell their kids about some day. My greatest memories from when I was a kid had nothing to do with the toys I had or the coolest new electronic, they were about camping trips and fishing at the creek. They were car rides to my grandma's house where we climbed trees and had an Easter egg hunt every year. I remember going camping every summer and my dad skipping with us from the car to the grocery store just to make us laugh. Those are the memories I want our kids to have. Yes we still spoil our kids and they have more toys and video games then they'll ever need, but I know that every time we go to a movie, the park and play tag, or we go camping and cook smores over a fire these are the things that they are going to remember.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Vacation To Do List:

1. Have a movie day in the living room and stay in pj's and eat snacks all day. (As much fun for them as it is for me!)
2. Go camping at least once!
3. Run through the sprinkler with my kids (after all one of the greatest things about having a kid is that you get to act like a kid and have an excuse!!).
4. Teach my kids to ride their bikes without training wheels!
5. Go to see some of the free movies at the movie theater (no one will care if the kids aren't really quiet).
6. Go eat ice cream at the ice cream shop even if it is a million times cheaper to just buy ice cream and eat it at home.
7. BBQ, BBQ, BBQ........lots of outdoor cooking!!!
8. Play tag with my kids at the park (even if they are faster than me now).
9. Feed the ducks at the park.
10. Dance like crazy through the house with my kids because after all, they are only little once.