Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's Potty Time!

Well we're officially on the road to one less kid in diapers! I think Tys is going to be kind of hard to train though. He's more stubborn than the other two boys were. But we're off to a start. He's gone 3 times in his little potty in the last 2 days. The only bad thing is that he will only sit on his potty in the living room in front of the TV and he has to have Yo Gabba Gabba on. I think I'll be singing "Party in my Tummy" until the day he goes off to college. But for now I see lots of messes to clean up from accidents, and more than enough time spent at home with a 2 year old running around naked with me following asking if he has to use the potty. He'll get the hang of it. He has his brothers to cheer him on and a sticker chart that's slowly filling up with stickers. It's going to be a long road.......but there's a light at the end of the tunnel, the day I don't have to buy 2 packs of diapers at every grocery store trip.

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