Thursday, July 30, 2009

Eating habits of a 2 year old.....

I'm not sure why it is that some days Tys eats 2 helpings at each meal, and other days he doesn't seem to have more than 2 bites full all day long. Getting a toddler to eat food is like trying to tell a bird not to fly.....all but impossible. And getting him to sit through a whole meal at the table with us, forget about it. I have learned a couple things through through these two years with him.
1. He likes food that can be dipped in something....and yes he will dip everything from french fries to strawberries in ketchup.
2. If you tell him not to eat something, it will surely be the first thing that he eats (works even with veggies).
3. Ketchup counts as a vegetable!
4. Even if he learned on Yo Gabba Gabba to "try'll like it" he doesn't believe it for a second and any new foods will be left on the plate or fed to the dog.
5. Anything declared healthy by mom is automatically yucky!
I'm sure this will continue to be an adventure feeding him, but maybe I'll just luck out and it's a phase that he'll eventually outgrow and eat good like his brothers. Hopefully not as good since they are literally eating us out of house and home here. 3 teenage boys in the that's going to be a lot of completely different food issues huh?

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